Thought Leadership


SASLAW is a relevant and dynamic association which promotes the discipline of Labour Law in South Africa

The South African Society for Labour Law (SASLAW) is a non-profit organisation. The aim of the Society is to promote the advancement of labour law as a legal and academic discipline, and encourage collaboration between lawyers and other experts within the field of labour law. Established as an organisation in

SASLAW has a professional network of over 2000 labour professionals in South Africa. The network is made up of judges, advocates, attorneys, candidate attorneys, HR and IR management, government officials, CCMA commissioners, and employers’ organisations. SASLAW has membership chapters in Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Limpopo and the Free State.

Seminars and workshops are arranged throughout the year on topical issues, which suit the wide range of members. Annual conferences are held once a year, last year the conference was hosted at the Capital on the Park in Johannesburg. Cape Town has been voted the city to host the 2023 Annual National Conference, dates will be communicated soon!

Acting judges are drawn from the ranks of the association’s senior members and SASLAW has been engaged by the judiciary to add its voice to material matters involving the practice of labour law in the Labour Courts.

SASLAW is also invited to comment on the proposed amendments to certain pieces of labour legislation and presented its position to the Parliamentary Portfolio.

Following the pilot SASLAW Pro Bono project at the Labour Court in Johannesburg, the Pro Bono programme has now been established as an indispensable cornerstone of the administration of justice at the four Labour Courts around the country. This fact is clearly demonstrated by almost 30 000 clients who have been assisted since the inception of the project in February 2011 to date.


We would like to introduce you to SASLAW. We would be honoured to welcome you as a member.


Members can access the latest labour related news and useful articles available in our resources group.


Members may access videos from SASLAW Webinars & Conferences by some of the most renowned labour law specialists.


SASLAW hosts a number of events including Webinars and the annual hybrid Labour Law Conference.